Luxury and Hand-dyed Fibers
This page is a work - in- progress! Check back in late June for products to be posted.
The fibers available here are good for both wet felting and spinning. They are all in "top" form and feature a longer staple length suitable for spinning. But they are also breeds and/or fiber blends that felt well.
Nube merino is an extrafine merino (18-19 micron) that is hand-dyed by Malabrigo. Spin it yourself or use if for felting. If you use it for felting, be aware that while it felts well some of the color may bleed in the alkaline felting conditions you create for felting. You will still have lots of color remaining in your project - no worries there in my experience - but your floor and dripping water will be stained!
The Polwarth Top is around 22 microns and is nice for spinning and felting. It gives a denser felt that ought to be more durable than the merino, so consider it for slippers, bags, etc. The same can be said for the Corriedale Top.
Both the Polwarth and Corriedale tops are available with a bit of silk as well for a bit more lustre!
The BFL (Blue Faced Leicester) is also hand-dyed. I have felted and spun it up and when felting it did not experience the same color run as I have with the Nube. But that's not to say that a batch (it is hand-dyed and not here) will not bleed!