Wet Felting Fibers
This page is a Work in Progress - here's a start and check back for more as the weeks go by!
The wool fibers available below are all great for nuno and wet felting. If you're looking for silk fibers, flax, locks, etc, to work into your wet felting, check out Felting Embellishments & Silks.
The KAP Wool Merino below is a SUPER short stapled fiber that wet felts REALLY quickly. It felts to a firm and dense, almost suede-like surface that has sort of a velvety feel to it. It is great for wet felting jewelry and trivets/mug rugs and some customers are using it for vessels, too. This is packed in 50 gm bags.
The DHG Extrafine Merino Top is 19 microns and wonderful for nuno felting lightweight garments that are soft. And you can't beat the amazing color range. This is available in 50 gm packs.
The Nube fiber is 100% merino and dyed by Malabrigo. It is wonderful for wet felting as well as spinning. Note of caution, however, I have seen the Cereza red run when wet felting so be sure you are working in an area that you don't worry about red drainage! There was still plenty of color in the finished product - as you can see from the slipper above! But quite a bit ran out on the workshop floor and had I not had an apron on, my blouse would have been stained!
Next to be put online....
The Bergschaf is in batt form and is a much coarser 24 micron fiber that felts well and I like to use for more durable projects like slippers, bags, rugs, etc.
There are also a couple of nice hand-dyed felting wools that I listed online under the Luxury, Hand-Dyed Fibers because they are also great for Spinning. The Nube Merino from Malabrigo, Polwarth and Corriedale Tops are on that page.
And if you are looking for silks and embellishments, be sure to check out the
Silk, Embellishments, Locks and Pin Drafted Roving page for more felting fibers!